KSOE Credentials and Certifications

We believe in educators and counselors, and the impact they make every day.
We deliver expertly designed courses and individual attention to teachers and counselors whose commitment to learning goes beyond their own classroom and school.
Take a closer look at what we offer, and start learning with us today.
NEW! Teacher Residency Program
Saint Mary's College has partnered with the San Ramon Valley Unified School District and Brentwood Union School District to pilot Teacher Residency Programs. A “Teacher Residency Program” offers a unique synthesis of theory and practice, combining a yearlong classroom apprenticeship with a carefully aligned sequence of coursework. Teacher residents receive a credential upon completion of the program, and may be eligible to receive a stipend for living expenses throughout their training year.
NEW! Trauma-Informed Treatment and Intervention Certificate
Drawing from the growing field of trauma research and intervention, the Trauma-Informed Treatment and Intervention Certificate program explores how trauma impacts human development, behavior, and brain functioning. Students in this certificate program will learn to work effectively with individuals and communities experiencing trauma, and learn how to build resilience and resources.
Bilingual Authorization in Spanish
The Bilingual Authorization in Spanish (BILA) is an added authorization that prepares you to teach in bilingual, dual immersion, and dual language classrooms from TK-12th grade. It can be added onto a preliminary or clear Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist teaching credential. It can also be combined with an MA in Teaching.
Multiple Subject Credential
Our teaching program is one of the most well-respected in the area, and our credentialed students are some of the most qualified educators to teach elementary public/private schools (K-5 grade) or as a middle school (6-8 grade) teacher of core subjects in California.
Single Subject Credential
Our single subject program prepares you to become an expert in teaching your chosen subject. In just one year, our highly-respected program will prime you to meet California’s Teaching Performance Expectations, qualifying you to teach in any public or private middle school, high school, or departmentalize elementary school in California.
Education Specialist (Special Education) Credential
This Mild-to-Moderate program thoroughly prepares you to teach students with exceptional needs in K-12 grade.
Post-Master's, School Counseling Pupil Personnel Services Credential-Only
(SC PPSC-Only) this program is designed for professionals who already hold a clinically-based master's degree (such as clinical psychology, counseling, or social work) and are returning to earn the mandatory state credential to work in K-12 grade in California public schools as academic and social-emotional counselors.