Brother Camillus Chavez ILaLS Student Award

Brother Camillus Chavez ILaLS Student Award
ILaLS is pleased to announce the creation of the Brother Camillus Chavez ILaLS Student Award. This award is meant to provide financial support for students who are studying Latinx diasporas or Latin America. Brother Camillus has been a key presence on the campus and has shaped and influenced the lives of many generations of students.

Consider giving at the link below, or send checks with "Donation to the Brother Camillus Chavez ILaLS Student Award" to:
Advancement Office
1928 St. Mary's Road
PMB 4300
Moraga, CA 94575
Bianca Guzmán, 2022 Br. Camillus Ilals Student Award Recipient
Conversation with Alex Cardona, 2022 Br Camillus Chavez ILaLS Student Award Recipient
Conversation with Ashley Hernández 2022 Br Camillus Chavez ILaLS Student Award Recipient
Conversation with Maya Patel, 2022 Br. Camillus Chavez ILaLS Student Award Recipient!
Listen to Karina Guitérrez, a Brother Camillus Chavez ILaLS Student Award Winner for 2020!
Listen to Nataly Berg, a Brother Camillus Chavez ILaLS Student Award Winner for 2020!
Listen to Galilea Silva, a Brother Camillus Chavez ILaLS Student Award Winner for 2020!
Listen to Brianna González, a Brother Camillus Chavez ILaLS Student Award Winner for 2020!
Tomas Brown reflects on Br. Camillus Chavez's living legacy at SMC
Professor Jennifer Heung Shares her Border Immersion Experiences, Summer 2019
Professor Michael Barram Shares his Border Immersion Experience, 2019
Professor Nekesha Williams talks about the 2019 Border Immersion experience